Singer Spotlight
Darrell Curren, Tenor
President of the Board
Joined: Spring 2017
​My Story
I began piano lessons at the age of five and continued through elementary school. I hated practicing, and switched to strings (violin, viola, and cello) in middle school and played in the orchestra. I joined church choir in high school. After high school, I took a break until my senior year of undergrad when I started attending church again. Someone in the congregation heard me singing and introduced me to the choir director. I have been in church choir ever since.
I grew up Coral Springs, Florida. I went to college and law school in Washington, D.C. I moved to Atlanta in 2016 for work. I am a staff attorney for a judge currently working in the court system.
What drew you to becoming a singer with FSA?
After I joined the choir at Saint Mark United Methodist Church, I was approached by a long-standing singer of the Saint Mark choir and The Festival Singers of Atlanta. She extended an invitation, and I have been here ever since.
What keeps you coming back?
Companionship and having a musical experience that is a bit more technically challenging to build my singing skills.
How did you become Board President?
The previous president had some personal challenges and needed to step down. I volunteered to take on the role.
What is your vision for the future of The Festival Singers of Atlanta?
I want to build our singer base to between 24 and 36 singers. I would like us to be more present in the community, and continue to have a great time creating music.
Why should someone join The Festival Singers of Atlanta?
We present a variety of interesting music that you don’t hear many other groups performing. We have a laid-back atmosphere which means we have more fun. It is easier to get to know each other because we are a smaller group.